Back to Mac ARM64 build report for BioC 3.17

This page was generated on 2023-10-20 09:37:58 -0400 (Fri, 20 Oct 2023).

HostnameOSArch (*)R versionInstalled pkgs
kjohnson2macOS 12.6.1 Montereyarm644.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts" 4347
Click on any hostname to see more info about the system (e.g. compilers)      (*) as reported by 'uname -p', except on Windows and Mac OS X

AneuFinder 1.28.0  (landing page)
Aaron Taudt
Snapshot Date: 2023-10-15 14:00:07 -0400 (Sun, 15 Oct 2023)
git_branch: RELEASE_3_17
git_last_commit: e17d810
git_last_commit_date: 2023-04-25 10:45:33 -0400 (Tue, 25 Apr 2023)
kjohnson2macOS 12.6.1 Monterey / arm64  OK    OK    OK    OK  UNNEEDED, same version is already published

CHECK results for AneuFinder on kjohnson2

To the developers/maintainers of the AneuFinder package:
- Use the following Renviron settings to reproduce errors and warnings.
- If 'R CMD check' started to fail recently on the Linux builder(s) over a missing dependency, add the missing dependency to 'Suggests:' in your DESCRIPTION file. See Renviron.bioc for more information.

raw results


Package: AneuFinder
Version: 1.28.0
Command: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --install=check:AneuFinder.install-out.txt --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library --no-vignettes --timings AneuFinder_1.28.0.tar.gz
StartedAt: 2023-10-17 02:07:22 -0400 (Tue, 17 Oct 2023)
EndedAt: 2023-10-17 02:25:49 -0400 (Tue, 17 Oct 2023)
EllapsedTime: 1106.4 seconds
RetCode: 0
Status:   OK  
CheckDir: AneuFinder.Rcheck
Warnings: 0

Command output

### Running command:
###   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD check --install=check:AneuFinder.install-out.txt --library=/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library --no-vignettes --timings AneuFinder_1.28.0.tar.gz

* using log directory ‘/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.17-bioc-mac-arm64/meat/AneuFinder.Rcheck’
* using R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
* using platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
* R was compiled by
    Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.2.0
* running under: macOS Monterey 12.6.7
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option ‘--no-vignettes’
* checking for file ‘AneuFinder/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘AneuFinder’ version ‘1.28.0’
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘AneuFinder’ can be installed ... OK
* used C++ compiler: ‘Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)’
* used SDK: ‘MacOSX11.3.sdk’
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking startup messages can be suppressed ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE
Aneufinder: multiple local function definitions for ‘parallel.helper’
  with different formal arguments
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK
* checking compiled code ... NOTE
Note: information on .o files is not available
* checking sizes of PDF files under ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... OK
Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 5s
                            user system elapsed
simulateReads             73.649  3.658 112.300
refineBreakpoints         68.748  1.111 103.021
heatmapAneuploidies       61.790  0.772  96.254
heatmapGenomewideClusters 38.013  0.515  57.425
correctGC                 36.195  1.748  56.457
plotHeterogeneity         36.900  0.609  55.200
karyotypeMeasures         30.840  0.597  46.959
heatmapGenomewide         29.448  0.391  44.677
annotateBreakpoints       17.484  0.510  28.137
getBreakpoints            13.652  0.522  24.203
consensusSegments         11.130  0.133  16.051
subsetByCNVprofile         6.849  0.105  10.300
getSCEcoordinates          6.304  0.362  12.156
loadFromFiles              5.656  0.097   8.225
findCNVs.strandseq         5.331  0.216   9.409
variableWidthBins          5.189  0.101   7.487
findCNVs                   4.256  0.306   6.954
clusterByQuality           3.478  0.134   5.509
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘testthat.R’
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED
* checking PDF version of manual ... OK

Status: 2 NOTEs
for details.

Installation output


### Running command:
###   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD INSTALL AneuFinder

* installing to library ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library’
* installing *source* package ‘AneuFinder’ ...
** using staged installation
** libs
using C++ compiler: ‘Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)’
using SDK: ‘MacOSX11.3.sdk’
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG   -I/opt/R/arm64/include    -fPIC  -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2  -c R_interface.cpp -o R_interface.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG   -I/opt/R/arm64/include    -fPIC  -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2  -c densities.cpp -o densities.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG   -I/opt/R/arm64/include    -fPIC  -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2  -c init.cpp -o init.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG   -I/opt/R/arm64/include    -fPIC  -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2  -c loghmm.cpp -o loghmm.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG   -I/opt/R/arm64/include    -fPIC  -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2  -c scalehmm.cpp -o scalehmm.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -I"/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/include" -DNDEBUG   -I/opt/R/arm64/include    -fPIC  -falign-functions=64 -Wall -g -O2  -c utility.cpp -o utility.o
clang++ -arch arm64 -std=gnu++17 -dynamiclib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names -undefined dynamic_lookup -single_module -multiply_defined suppress -L/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/lib -L/opt/R/arm64/lib -o R_interface.o densities.o init.o loghmm.o scalehmm.o utility.o -F/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/.. -framework R -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation
installing to /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library/00LOCK-AneuFinder/00new/AneuFinder/libs
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** checking absolute paths in shared objects and dynamic libraries
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (AneuFinder)

Tests output


R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

> library(testthat)
> library(AneuFinder)
Loading required package: GenomicRanges
Loading required package: stats4
Loading required package: BiocGenerics

Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'

The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,,
    duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted,
    lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table,
    tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min

Loading required package: S4Vectors

Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    I, expand.grid, unname

Loading required package: IRanges
Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
Loading required package: ggplot2
Loading required package: cowplot
Loading required package: AneuFinderData

Please visit for the latest bugfixes and features.

> test_check("AneuFinder")
number of states = 11
number of bins = 6183
maximum number of iterations = 1000
maximum running time = none
epsilon = 0.1
data mean = 58.8193, data variance = 486.587
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
         0                -inf                   -                   -              0
         1       -24789.866771                 inf         6183.000000              0
         2       -23822.331670          967.535101          601.762712              0
         3       -23761.771285           60.560384          131.281549              0
         4       -23745.235666           16.535619          119.461404              0
         5       -23738.238770            6.996896           63.831344              0
         6       -23735.137871            3.100899           48.587399              0
         7       -23733.451273            1.686598           29.803499              0
         8       -23732.421572            1.029701           21.580983              0
         9       -23731.674903            0.746669           14.186707              0
        10       -23731.069920            0.604983            9.975381              0
        11       -23730.527674            0.542246            7.021040              0
        12       -23730.007090            0.520584            4.942881              0
        13       -23729.480035            0.527055            3.803030              0
        14       -23728.932681            0.547354            2.653912              0
        15       -23728.372455            0.560226            2.141742              0
        16       -23727.839017            0.533439            1.244299              0
        17       -23727.367012            0.472005            1.109390              0
        18       -23726.947097            0.419914            0.529456              0
        19       -23726.552750            0.394348            0.602730              0
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
        20       -23726.169459            0.383291            0.302116              0
        21       -23725.791510            0.377949            0.389827              0
        22       -23725.416462            0.375048            0.244787              1
        23       -23725.043233            0.373229            0.307572              1
        24       -23724.671334            0.371899            0.240956              1
        25       -23724.300551            0.370783            0.275223              1
        26       -23723.930786            0.369765            0.245508              1
        27       -23723.561998            0.368789            0.262164              1
        28       -23723.194164            0.367834            0.248735              1
        29       -23722.827276            0.366888            0.256570              1
        30       -23722.461329            0.365947            0.250428              1
        31       -23722.096319            0.365010            0.254042              1
        32       -23721.732244            0.364076            0.251213              1
        33       -23721.369100            0.363144            0.252844              1
        34       -23721.006885            0.362214            0.251549              1
        35       -23720.645598            0.361287            0.252622              1
        36       -23720.285236            0.360362            0.252383              1
        37       -23719.925796            0.359440            0.253123              1
        38       -23719.567277            0.358519            0.253290              1
        39       -23719.209677            0.357600            0.254027              1
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
        40       -23718.852994            0.356683            0.254590              1
        41       -23718.497228            0.355766            0.255400              1
        42       -23718.142378            0.354850            0.256151              1
        43       -23717.788445            0.353933            0.257145              1
        44       -23717.435431            0.353014            0.258100              1
        45       -23717.083339            0.352092            0.259094              1
        46       -23716.732173            0.351166            0.260034              1
        47       -23716.381938            0.350235            0.260935              1
        48       -23716.032640            0.349298            0.261735              1
        49       -23715.684287            0.348353            0.262424              1
        50       -23715.336886            0.347401            0.262956              1
        51       -23714.990445            0.346441            0.263312              1
        52       -23714.644972            0.345473            0.263463              1
        53       -23714.300474            0.344498            0.263396              1
        54       -23713.956958            0.343516            0.263103              1
        55       -23713.614428            0.342530            0.262584              1
        56       -23713.272887            0.341540            0.261849              1
        57       -23712.932339            0.340548            0.260917              1
        58       -23712.592783            0.339556            0.259810              1
        59       -23712.254217            0.338565            0.258559              1
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
        60       -23711.916641            0.337576            0.257196              1
        61       -23711.580050            0.336591            0.255754              1
        62       -23711.244442            0.335609            0.254264              1
        63       -23710.909811            0.334631            0.252755              1
        64       -23710.576153            0.333657            0.251252              1
        65       -23710.243465            0.332688            0.249777              1
        66       -23709.911743            0.331722            0.248349              1
        67       -23709.580982            0.330761            0.247090              1
        68       -23709.251180            0.329802            0.245906              1
        69       -23708.922334            0.328846            0.244786              1
        70       -23708.594441            0.327893            0.243757              1
        71       -23708.267498            0.326942            0.242885              1
        72       -23707.941505            0.325993            0.242069              1
        73       -23707.616459            0.325046            0.241304              1
        74       -23707.292358            0.324101            0.240590              1
        75       -23706.969202            0.323156            0.239921              1
        76       -23706.646989            0.322213            0.239394              1
        77       -23706.325719            0.321271            0.239012              1
        78       -23706.005389            0.320329            0.238641              1
        79       -23705.686000            0.319389            0.238282              1
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
        80       -23705.367551            0.318449            0.237931              1
        81       -23705.050040            0.317511            0.237592              1
        82       -23704.733468            0.316573            0.237265              1
        83       -23704.417832            0.315635            0.236943              1
        84       -23704.103134            0.314699            0.236626              1
        85       -23703.789371            0.313763            0.236312              1
        86       -23703.476543            0.312828            0.236001              1
        87       -23703.164650            0.311893            0.235693              1
        88       -23702.853691            0.310959            0.235387              1
        89       -23702.543664            0.310026            0.235083              1
        90       -23702.234570            0.309094            0.234781              2
        91       -23701.926408            0.308163            0.234480              2
        92       -23701.619176            0.307232            0.234179              2
        93       -23701.312874            0.306302            0.233879              2
        94       -23701.007502            0.305372            0.233580              2
        95       -23700.703059            0.304444            0.233281              2
        96       -23700.399543            0.303516            0.232982              2
        97       -23700.096954            0.302589            0.232683              2
        98       -23699.795291            0.301663            0.232384              2
        99       -23699.494554            0.300737            0.232086              2
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       100       -23699.194741            0.299813            0.231789              2
       101       -23698.895853            0.298889            0.231491              2
       102       -23698.597887            0.297966            0.231193              2
       103       -23698.300843            0.297044            0.230895              2
       104       -23698.004721            0.296122            0.230596              2
       105       -23697.709519            0.295202            0.230296              2
       106       -23697.415236            0.294282            0.229997              2
       107       -23697.121873            0.293364            0.229697              2
       108       -23696.829427            0.292446            0.229396              2
       109       -23696.537897            0.291529            0.229095              2
       110       -23696.247284            0.290613            0.228793              2
       111       -23695.957586            0.289698            0.228491              2
       112       -23695.668802            0.288784            0.228189              2
       113       -23695.380931            0.287871            0.227886              2
       114       -23695.093972            0.286959            0.227582              2
       115       -23694.807925            0.286047            0.227278              2
       116       -23694.522788            0.285137            0.226973              2
       117       -23694.238560            0.284228            0.226668              2
       118       -23693.955240            0.283320            0.226362              2
       119       -23693.672828            0.282412            0.226056              2
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       120       -23693.391322            0.281506            0.225749              2
       121       -23693.110721            0.280601            0.225443              2
       122       -23692.831025            0.279696            0.225136              2
       123       -23692.552232            0.278793            0.224828              2
       124       -23692.274340            0.277891            0.224520              2
       125       -23691.997350            0.276990            0.224212              2
       126       -23691.721261            0.276090            0.223903              2
       127       -23691.446070            0.275191            0.223593              2
       128       -23691.171777            0.274293            0.223283              2
       129       -23690.898380            0.273396            0.222972              2
       130       -23690.625880            0.272501            0.222661              2
       131       -23690.354274            0.271606            0.222349              2
       132       -23690.083561            0.270713            0.222037              2
       133       -23689.813741            0.269820            0.221724              2
       134       -23689.544812            0.268929            0.221411              2
       135       -23689.276773            0.268039            0.221097              2
       136       -23689.009623            0.267150            0.220783              2
       137       -23688.743361            0.266262            0.220469              2
       138       -23688.477985            0.265376            0.220154              2
       139       -23688.213495            0.264490            0.219838              2
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       140       -23687.949889            0.263606            0.219522              2
       141       -23687.687165            0.262723            0.219206              2
       142       -23687.425324            0.261841            0.218889              2
       143       -23687.164363            0.260961            0.218571              2
       144       -23686.904282            0.260081            0.218253              2
       145       -23686.645079            0.259203            0.217935              2
       146       -23686.386752            0.258326            0.217616              2
       147       -23686.129301            0.257451            0.217297              2
       148       -23685.872725            0.256576            0.216977              2
       149       -23685.617022            0.255703            0.216657              2
       150       -23685.362190            0.254831            0.216336              2
       151       -23685.108229            0.253961            0.216015              2
       152       -23684.855137            0.253092            0.215694              2
       153       -23684.602914            0.252224            0.215372              2
       154       -23684.351557            0.251357            0.215049              2
       155       -23684.101065            0.250492            0.214727              2
       156       -23683.851437            0.249628            0.214403              2
       157       -23683.602672            0.248765            0.214080              2
       158       -23683.354769            0.247904            0.213756              3
       159       -23683.107725            0.247044            0.213432              3
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       160       -23682.861540            0.246185            0.213107              3
       161       -23682.616213            0.245328            0.212782              3
       162       -23682.371741            0.244472            0.212456              3
       163       -23682.128124            0.243617            0.212131              3
       164       -23681.885360            0.242764            0.211806              3
       165       -23681.643448            0.241912            0.211480              3
       166       -23681.402387            0.241062            0.211154              3
       167       -23681.162174            0.240213            0.210828              3
       168       -23680.922809            0.239365            0.210502              3
       169       -23680.684291            0.238519            0.210175              3
       170       -23680.446617            0.237674            0.209848              3
       171       -23680.209786            0.236831            0.209520              3
       172       -23679.973797            0.235989            0.209192              3
       173       -23679.738649            0.235148            0.208864              3
       174       -23679.504339            0.234309            0.208536              3
       175       -23679.270868            0.233472            0.208207              3
       176       -23679.038232            0.232636            0.207878              3
       177       -23678.806431            0.231801            0.207548              3
       178       -23678.575463            0.230968            0.207219              3
       179       -23678.345326            0.230136            0.206889              3
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       180       -23678.116020            0.229306            0.206559              3
       181       -23677.887543            0.228478            0.206228              3
       182       -23677.659892            0.227650            0.205897              3
       183       -23677.433067            0.226825            0.205566              3
       184       -23677.207067            0.226001            0.205235              3
       185       -23676.981889            0.225178            0.204903              3
       186       -23676.757532            0.224357            0.204571              3
       187       -23676.533994            0.223537            0.204239              3
       188       -23676.311275            0.222719            0.203906              3
       189       -23676.089372            0.221903            0.203574              3
       190       -23675.868284            0.221088            0.203241              3
       191       -23675.648009            0.220275            0.202907              3
       192       -23675.428546            0.219463            0.202574              3
       193       -23675.209893            0.218653            0.202240              3
       194       -23674.992049            0.217844            0.201906              3
       195       -23674.775012            0.217037            0.201572              3
       196       -23674.558781            0.216232            0.201237              3
       197       -23674.343353            0.215428            0.200902              3
       198       -23674.128727            0.214626            0.200567              3
       199       -23673.914902            0.213825            0.200232              3
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       200       -23673.701877            0.213026            0.199897              3
       201       -23673.489648            0.212228            0.199562              3
       202       -23673.278216            0.211433            0.199226              3
       203       -23673.067577            0.210638            0.198890              3
       204       -23672.857731            0.209846            0.198554              3
       205       -23672.648676            0.209055            0.198218              3
       206       -23672.440411            0.208266            0.197882              3
       207       -23672.232933            0.207478            0.197545              3
       208       -23672.026241            0.206692            0.197208              3
       209       -23671.820333            0.205908            0.196871              3
       210       -23671.615208            0.205125            0.196534              3
       211       -23671.410864            0.204344            0.196198              3
       212       -23671.207299            0.203565            0.195861              3
       213       -23671.004512            0.202787            0.195525              3
       214       -23670.802501            0.202011            0.195188              3
       215       -23670.601265            0.201237            0.194851              3
       216       -23670.400800            0.200464            0.194514              3
       217       -23670.201107            0.199693            0.194176              3
       218       -23670.002183            0.198924            0.193839              3
       219       -23669.804027            0.198156            0.193501              3
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       220       -23669.606636            0.197391            0.193163              3
       221       -23669.410010            0.196627            0.192826              3
       222       -23669.214145            0.195864            0.192488              3
       223       -23669.019042            0.195104            0.192149              3
       224       -23668.824697            0.194345            0.191811              3
       225       -23668.631110            0.193587            0.191473              4
       226       -23668.438278            0.192832            0.191134              4
       227       -23668.246200            0.192078            0.190795              4
       228       -23668.054874            0.191326            0.190456              4
       229       -23667.864298            0.190576            0.190118              4
       230       -23667.674471            0.189827            0.189779              4
       231       -23667.485390            0.189081            0.189439              4
       232       -23667.297055            0.188336            0.189100              4
       233       -23667.109462            0.187592            0.188761              4
       234       -23666.922612            0.186851            0.188421              4
       235       -23666.736501            0.186111            0.188082              4
       236       -23666.551128            0.185373            0.187744              4
       237       -23666.366491            0.184637            0.187405              4
       238       -23666.182588            0.183902            0.187066              4
       239       -23665.999419            0.183170            0.186727              4
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       240       -23665.816980            0.182439            0.186388              4
       241       -23665.635270            0.181710            0.186049              4
       242       -23665.454288            0.180982            0.185710              4
       243       -23665.274031            0.180257            0.185370              4
       244       -23665.094498            0.179533            0.185031              4
       245       -23664.915686            0.178811            0.184692              4
       246       -23664.737595            0.178091            0.184352              4
       247       -23664.560223            0.177373            0.184013              4
       248       -23664.383566            0.176656            0.183674              4
       249       -23664.207625            0.175942            0.183335              4
       250       -23664.032396            0.175229            0.182996              4
       251       -23663.857879            0.174517            0.182657              4
       252       -23663.684071            0.173808            0.182318              4
       253       -23663.510970            0.173101            0.181979              4
       254       -23663.338575            0.172395            0.181641              4
       255       -23663.166884            0.171691            0.181302              4
       256       -23662.995894            0.170989            0.180963              4
       257       -23662.825605            0.170289            0.180624              4
       258       -23662.656015            0.169591            0.180285              4
       259       -23662.487121            0.168894            0.179946              4
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       260       -23662.318921            0.168199            0.179607              4
       261       -23662.151414            0.167507            0.179268              4
       262       -23661.984599            0.166816            0.178929              4
       263       -23661.818473            0.166126            0.178590              4
       264       -23661.653034            0.165439            0.178251              4
       265       -23661.488280            0.164754            0.177912              4
       266       -23661.324210            0.164070            0.177573              4
       267       -23661.160822            0.163388            0.177234              4
       268       -23660.998114            0.162708            0.176895              4
       269       -23660.836084            0.162030            0.176556              4
       270       -23660.674730            0.161354            0.176217              4
       271       -23660.514051            0.160679            0.175879              4
       272       -23660.354044            0.160007            0.175540              4
       273       -23660.194708            0.159336            0.175202              4
       274       -23660.036041            0.158667            0.174864              4
       275       -23659.878041            0.158000            0.174526              4
       276       -23659.720706            0.157335            0.174188              4
       277       -23659.564034            0.156672            0.173851              4
       278       -23659.408024            0.156010            0.173513              4
       279       -23659.252673            0.155351            0.173175              4
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       280       -23659.097980            0.154693            0.172838              4
       281       -23658.943943            0.154037            0.172500              4
       282       -23658.790560            0.153383            0.172162              4
       283       -23658.637828            0.152731            0.171825              4
       284       -23658.485747            0.152081            0.171488              4
       285       -23658.334315            0.151433            0.171150              4
       286       -23658.183528            0.150786            0.170813              4
       287       -23658.033387            0.150142            0.170476              4
       288       -23657.883888            0.149499            0.170139              4
       289       -23657.735030            0.148858            0.169802              4
       290       -23657.586811            0.148219            0.169465              4
       291       -23657.439229            0.147582            0.169128              4
       292       -23657.292283            0.146947            0.168792              5
       293       -23657.145969            0.146313            0.168455              5
       294       -23657.000288            0.145682            0.168119              5
       295       -23656.855235            0.145052            0.167783              5
       296       -23656.710811            0.144424            0.167447              5
       297       -23656.567013            0.143798            0.167111              5
       298       -23656.423838            0.143174            0.166775              5
       299       -23656.281286            0.142552            0.166439              5
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       300       -23656.139354            0.141932            0.166104              5
       301       -23655.998040            0.141314            0.165768              5
       302       -23655.857343            0.140697            0.165433              5
       303       -23655.717260            0.140083            0.165098              5
       304       -23655.577790            0.139470            0.164763              5
       305       -23655.438931            0.138859            0.164428              5
       306       -23655.300681            0.138250            0.164094              5
       307       -23655.163038            0.137643            0.163759              5
       308       -23655.026000            0.137038            0.163425              5
       309       -23654.889566            0.136434            0.163091              5
       310       -23654.753733            0.135833            0.162757              5
       311       -23654.618500            0.135233            0.162423              5
       312       -23654.483864            0.134635            0.162089              5
       313       -23654.349825            0.134040            0.161755              5
       314       -23654.216379            0.133446            0.161422              5
       315       -23654.083526            0.132854            0.161089              5
       316       -23653.951262            0.132263            0.160756              5
       317       -23653.819587            0.131675            0.160423              5
       318       -23653.688499            0.131088            0.160090              5
       319       -23653.557995            0.130504            0.159757              5
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       320       -23653.428074            0.129921            0.159425              5
       321       -23653.298734            0.129340            0.159092              5
       322       -23653.169973            0.128761            0.158760              5
       323       -23653.041789            0.128184            0.158428              5
       324       -23652.914180            0.127609            0.158097              5
       325       -23652.787145            0.127035            0.157765              5
       326       -23652.660681            0.126464            0.157434              5
       327       -23652.534787            0.125894            0.157103              5
       328       -23652.409461            0.125326            0.156771              5
       329       -23652.284700            0.124760            0.156441              5
       330       -23652.160504            0.124196            0.156110              5
       331       -23652.036870            0.123634            0.155780              5
       332       -23651.913797            0.123074            0.155452              5
       333       -23651.791282            0.122515            0.155124              5
       334       -23651.669323            0.121958            0.154796              5
       335       -23651.547920            0.121404            0.154469              5
       336       -23651.427069            0.120851            0.154142              5
       337       -23651.306769            0.120300            0.153815              5
       338       -23651.187019            0.119750            0.153488              5
       339       -23651.067816            0.119203            0.153161              5
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       340       -23650.949159            0.118657            0.152835              5
       341       -23650.831045            0.118114            0.152509              5
       342       -23650.713473            0.117572            0.152183              5
       343       -23650.596442            0.117032            0.151857              5
       344       -23650.479948            0.116494            0.151534              5
       345       -23650.363991            0.115957            0.151210              5
       346       -23650.248568            0.115423            0.150887              5
       347       -23650.133678            0.114890            0.150564              5
       348       -23650.019319            0.114359            0.150242              5
       349       -23649.905488            0.113830            0.149919              5
       350       -23649.792185            0.113303            0.149597              5
       351       -23649.679407            0.112778            0.149275              5
       352       -23649.567153            0.112254            0.148953              5
       353       -23649.455420            0.111733            0.148632              5
       354       -23649.344207            0.111213            0.148310              5
       355       -23649.233512            0.110695            0.147989              5
       356       -23649.123334            0.110179            0.147668              5
       357       -23649.013670            0.109664            0.147348              5
       358       -23648.904518            0.109152            0.147027              5
       359       -23648.795877            0.108641            0.146707              6
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
       360       -23648.687745            0.108132            0.146387              6
       361       -23648.580120            0.107625            0.146067              6
       362       -23648.473000            0.107120            0.145748              6
       363       -23648.366384            0.106616            0.145429              6
       364       -23648.260270            0.106114            0.145110              6
       365       -23648.154656            0.105614            0.144791              6
       366       -23648.049539            0.105116            0.144473              6
       367       -23647.944919            0.104620            0.144154              6
       368       -23647.840794            0.104126            0.143836              6
       369       -23647.737161            0.103633            0.143519              6
       370       -23647.634019            0.103142            0.143201              6
       371       -23647.531366            0.102653            0.142884              6
       372       -23647.429201            0.102165            0.142567              6
       373       -23647.327521            0.101680            0.142251              6
       374       -23647.226325            0.101196            0.141934              6
       375       -23647.125611            0.100714            0.141618              6
       376       -23647.025378            0.100234            0.141302              6
       377       -23646.925622            0.099755            0.140986              6
Convergence reached!
number of states = 12
number of bins = 6183
maximum number of iterations = 1000
maximum running time = none
epsilon = 0.1
data mean = 58.8193, data variance = 486.587
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
         0                -inf                   -                   -              0
         1       -24380.580428                 inf         6183.000000              0
         2       -23357.275929         1023.304498          686.821642              0
         3       -23260.421975           96.853955          172.471538              0
         4       -23232.483517           27.938458          143.506687              0
         5       -23222.142294           10.341223           76.049323              0
         6       -23217.735527            4.406767           58.626866              0
         7       -23215.521320            2.214207           35.912568              0
         8       -23214.276947            1.244373           27.484487              0
         9       -23213.395549            0.881398           18.765222              0
        10       -23212.605307            0.790242           15.594210              0
        11       -23211.762729            0.842578           12.269889              0
        12       -23210.839848            0.922881           11.279480              0
        13       -23209.921053            0.918795            9.624877              0
        14       -23209.118734            0.802320            8.968506              0
        15       -23208.463874            0.654860            7.927086              0
        16       -23207.924958            0.538916            7.683630              1
        17       -23207.463600            0.461358            7.238144              1
        18       -23207.046263            0.417337            7.327465              1
        19       -23206.646001            0.400262            7.466156              1
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
        20       -23206.242687            0.403315            7.882758              1
        21       -23205.828261            0.414426            8.254388              1
        22       -23205.414415            0.413846            8.474710              1
        23       -23205.032476            0.381939            8.244365              1
        24       -23204.714716            0.317760            7.544341              1
        25       -23204.473698            0.241018            6.506549              1
        26       -23204.300805            0.172894            5.379661              1
        27       -23204.178183            0.122622            4.308309              1
        28       -23204.088739            0.089444            3.383929              1
Convergence reached!
number of states = 11
number of bins = 5442
maximum number of iterations = 1000
maximum running time = none
epsilon = 0.1
data mean = 63.9717, data variance = 1059.32
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
         0                -inf                   -                   -              0
         1       -21177.150641                 inf         5442.000000              0
         2       -20711.054012          466.096629          390.505270              0
         3       -20693.275989           17.778024           85.372131              0
         4       -20690.239855            3.036134           33.071291              0
         5       -20689.163935            1.075919           26.872093              0
         6       -20688.762950            0.400986           12.127422              0
         7       -20688.580230            0.182719            8.966009              0
         8       -20688.472739            0.107491            4.304038              0
         9       -20688.396085            0.076655            3.087959              0
Convergence reached!
number of states = 12
number of bins = 5442
maximum number of iterations = 1000
maximum running time = none
epsilon = 0.1
data mean = 63.9717, data variance = 1059.32
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
         0                -inf                   -                   -              0
         1       -20778.885904                 inf         5442.000000              0
         2       -20214.840926          564.044978          503.589244              0
         3       -20185.942950           28.897975          137.261825              0
         4       -20179.925587            6.017363           51.421390              0
         5       -20177.170587            2.755000           36.836764              0
         6       -20175.645594            1.524994           18.722502              0
         7       -20174.658989            0.986605           13.124839              0
         8       -20173.895734            0.763255           11.327572              0
         9       -20173.167941            0.727793            9.948167              0
        10       -20172.282987            0.884954           11.162019              0
        11       -20170.984261            1.298726           12.412190              1
        12       -20169.145246            1.839014           14.930161              1
        13       -20166.835634            2.309613           16.942694              1
        14       -20163.895031            2.940602           18.691149              1
        15       -20160.410970            3.484061           18.008358              1
        16       -20157.717749            2.693221           14.496841              1
        17       -20156.213293            1.504456           10.220281              1
        18       -20155.444668            0.768625            7.026993              1
        19       -20155.094478            0.350190            4.771865              1
 Iteration              log(P)             dlog(P)   Diff in posterior    Time in sec
        20       -20154.925350            0.169128            3.076403              1
        21       -20154.827513            0.097837            1.932927              1
Convergence reached!
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 12 ]
> proc.time()
   user  system elapsed 
 17.764   0.636  27.121 

Example timings


annotateBreakpoints17.484 0.51028.137
consensusSegments11.130 0.13316.051
correctGC36.195 1.74856.457
getBreakpoints13.652 0.52224.203
getSCEcoordinates 6.304 0.36212.156
heatmapAneuploidies61.790 0.77296.254
heatmapGenomewide29.448 0.39144.677
heatmapGenomewideClusters38.013 0.51557.425
karyotypeMeasures30.840 0.59746.959
plotHeterogeneity36.900 0.60955.200
refineBreakpoints 68.748 1.111103.021
simulateReads 73.649 3.658112.300
subsetByCNVprofile 6.849 0.10510.300