In alternative splicing analysis of RNA-seq data, one popular approach is to first identify gene features (e.g. exons or junctions) significantly associated with splicing using methods such as DEXSeq (Anders, Reyes, and Huber 2012) or JunctionSeq (Hartley and Mullikin 2016), and then perform pathway analysis based on the list of genes associated with the significant gene features. For results from the DEXSeq package, gene features represent non-overlapping exon counting bins (Anders, Reyes, and Huber (2012); Figure 1), while for results from the JunctionSeq package, they represent non-overlapping exon or splicing-junction counting bins.
Pathway analysis without explicit adjustment can be biased toward pathways that include genes with a large number of gene features; this is because these genes are more likely to be selected as “significant genes” in pathway analysis. This is a major challenge in RNA-seq data analysis, and this package offers a solution. The main features of the PathwaySplice
package include:
After installing the PathwaySplice
package, load the package namespace via:
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("PathwaySplice")
The latest version can also be installed by
The input file of the PathwaySplice
functions are a vector of p-values associated with gene features and a mapping between gene features and genes. This information can be obtained from DEXSeq
or JunctionSeq
output files. As an example, PathwaySplice
includes a gene-feature annotated dataset, based on an RNA-seq study of bone marrow CD34+ cells from eight myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients with SF3B1 mutations and four patients without the mutation (Dolatshad et al. 2015). This dataset was downloaded from the GEO database with accession key GSE63569.
First, we use the JunctionSeq
package to perform differential exon usage analysis. For demonstration, we selected gene features mapped to a random subset of 5,000 genes. The example dataset can be loaded directly:
geneID <chr> | countbinID <chr> | pvalue <dbl> | ||
1 | ENSG00000279928 | E003 | 0.19792636 | |
2 | ENSG00000279457 | E002 | 0.55363528 | |
3 | ENSG00000279457 | E003 | 0.12308986 | |
4 | ENSG00000279457 | E004 | 0.11887268 | |
5 | ENSG00000279457 | E005 | 0.03981720 | |
6 | ENSG00000279457 | E006 | 0.07570489 |
Next, convert the example data to a gene-based table with the makeGeneTable
function. The p-value method is the default.
gene.based.table <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData, stat = "pvalue")
geneID <chr> | geneWisePvalue <dbl> | numFeature <int> | fdr <dbl> | sig.gene <dbl> | |
1 | ENSG00000000938 | 4.076135e-02 | 18 | 0.104302337 | 1 |
2 | ENSG00000001497 | 1.257442e-05 | 20 | 0.002168003 | 1 |
3 | ENSG00000002745 | 2.477443e-01 | 1 | 0.325804471 | 0 |
4 | ENSG00000002919 | 1.363500e-03 | 27 | 0.024035390 | 1 |
5 | ENSG00000003393 | 1.554129e-02 | 51 | 0.066815537 | 1 |
6 | ENSG00000003989 | 5.960507e-01 | 1 | 0.659445796 | 0 |
Here, the geneWisePvalue
column is simply the minimum feature-based p-value among gene features for gene ENSG00000000938, numFeature
represents the number of gene features for that gene, fdr
measures the false discovery rate (FDR) adjustment for the p-value given in the genewisePvalue
column, and sig.gene = 1
indicates that the gene is significant at the α=0.05 level.
To assess selection bias, i.e. whether genes with more features are more likely to be selected as significant, the lrTestBias
function fits a logistic regression to test the association between sig.gene
and numFeature
lrTestBias(gene.based.table, boxplot.width = 0.3)
#> [1] "P-value from logistic regression is 3.98e-205"
Note that typically selection bias remains even when the stat = "fdr"
option is used to select significant genes in makeGeneTable
instead of stat = "pvalue"
(the default option). This is because FDR has a monotonic relationship with p-values. For example, in our featureBasedData
example data set, when selecting significant genes using the "fdr"
option, substantial selection bias remained (as shown in the boxplot below).
gene.based.table.fdr <- makeGeneTable(featureBasedData, stat = "fdr")
lrTestBias(gene.based.table.fdr, boxplot.width = 0.3)
#> [1] "P-value from logistic regression is 2.18e-93"
To perform pathway analysis that adjusts for the number of gene features, we use the runPathwaySplice
function, which implements the methodology described in Young et al. (2010). The runPathwaySplice
function returns a tibble
object. Tibbles are similar in structure to data frames but use a different print
method: they show only the first few rows and as many columns that will fit on the screen. Therefore, your tibbles may print differently than what is shown here.
result.adjusted <- runPathwaySplice(genewise.table = gene.based.table.fdr,
genome = "hg19",
id = "ensGene",
test.cats = c("GO:BP"),
go.size.limit = c(5, 30),
method = "Wallenius", = TRUE)
gene_set <chr> | over_represented_pvalue <dbl> | under_represented_pvalue <dbl> | numSIGInCat <int> | numInCat <int> | |
GO:0009062 | 0.0007093512 | 0.9998688 | 11 | 20 | |
GO:0006635 | 0.0013451582 | 0.9998193 | 8 | 13 | |
GO:1905953 | 0.0038478666 | 0.9995357 | 6 | 10 | |
GO:0072329 | 0.0061808093 | 0.9982957 | 11 | 24 | |
GO:0046928 | 0.0068353340 | 0.9982404 | 9 | 24 | |
GO:0031646 | 0.0084723783 | 0.9986789 | 6 | 11 |
The returned result.adjusted
tibble has the statistical significance of each pathway shown in the over_represented_pvalue
column, significant genes which drive pathway significance are given in the SIGgene_ensembl
column (not shown), and the corresponding gene symbols is returned in the SIGgene_symbol
column (also not shown). An additional bias plot is also generated; this visualizes the relationship between the proportion of significant genes and the mean number of gene features within gene bins. Note that the default option for
, meaning that genes not mapped to any tested categories are ignored in the analysis. In order for all genes in genewise.table
to be counted towards the total number of genes outside the category (i.e. genes in the background), we set this option to TRUE
To visualize pathway analysis results in a pathway enrichment network, we use the enrichmentMap
function. The pathway.res
input of this function is the output of runPathwaySplice
function shown above. The n = 7
argument means that the produced figure will show the 7 most significant pathways in an enrichment map. A file named network.layout.for.cytoscape.gml
is generated in the output.file.dir
directory specified by users. This file can be used as an input file for Cytoscape software (Shannon et al. 2003), which allows users to further manually adjust the appearance of the generated network.
enmap <- enrichmentMap(pathway.res = result.adjusted,
n = 7,
output.file.dir = tempdir(),
similarity.threshold = 0.5,
scaling.factor = 2)
In the enrichment map, the node size indicates the number of significant genes within the pathway. The node hue indicates pathway significance, where smaller p-values correspond to dark red color. Pathways with Jaccard coefficient greater than the value of similarity.thereshold
will be connected on the network, indicating that these connected pathways contain common set of genes. The edge thickness corresponds to Jaccard similarity coefficient between the two pathways, scaled by the value supplied to scaling.factor
. Note that the input of enrichmentMap function is an object returned from runPathwaySplice
function, so enrichmentMap function supports both GO annotation as well as customized genesets.
To perform pathway analysis with other user-defined gene sets, one needs to specify the pathway database in .gmt
format first, then use the gmtGene2Cat
function before passing this output as the value of the gene2cat
argument in the pathwaySplice
function. The MSigDB hallmark gene sets can be downloaded from the Broad institute. Similarly, Reactome pathways in .gmt
format can be downloaded from REACTOME: in the “Specialized data formats” page section click the “Reactome Pathways Gene Set” link to download the zipped file.
For demonstration, we have included a sample of hallmark gene sets in the package. The gmtGene2Cat
function takes in a directory wherein a .gmt
file is stored and imports that file for internal use. Analysis for hallmark gene sets can be accomplished using the following code: <- system.file("extdata", package = "PathwaySplice")
hallmark.local.pathways <- file.path(, "h.all.v6.0.symbols.gmt.txt")
hlp <- gmtGene2Cat(hallmark.local.pathways, genomeID = "hg19")
result.hallmark <- runPathwaySplice(genewise.table = gene.based.table.fdr,
genome = "hg19",
id = "ensGene",
gene2cat = hlp,
go.size.limit = c(5, 100),
method = "Wallenius",
binsize = 20, = TRUE)
The KEGG pathways in .gmt
format can be obtained by calling the outKegg2gmt
function, which creates a .gmt
file based on the organism specified. This is a wrapper for the get.kegg.genesets
function from the EnrichmentBrowser package and modifies the output into a .gmt
file (Geistlinger, Csaba, and Zimmer 2016). This function takes in an organism id ("hsa"
is for homo sapiens or "mmu"
for Mus musculus (mouse)) and a file path where the .gmt
file created by the outKegg2Gmt
function should be stored. The following code can be used to perform pathway analysis on KEGG pathways. The first command (outKegg2Gmt
) writes a .gmt
file for homo sapiens in the directory specified; the second command reads this .gmt
file, transforms these gene sets, and saves them as the kegg.pathways
object; then the last command performs the pathway splice analysis.
outKegg2Gmt("hsa", file.path(, "kegg.gmt.txt"))
kegg.pathways <- gmtGene2Cat(file.path(, "kegg.gmt.txt"),
genomeID = "hg19")
result.kegg <- runPathwaySplice(genewise.table = gene.based.table.fdr,
genome = "hg19",
id = "ensGene",
gene2cat = kegg.pathways,
go.size.limit = c(5, 100),
method = "Wallenius", = TRUE)
To demonstrate the advantage of using the PathwaySplice
package, we will illustrate pathway analysis using the entire 23,520 genes in the MDS dataset described in Section 2. Initial analysis was conducted using the JunctionSeq
package to obtain p-values for differential exon usage. Because each gene may contain multiple exon counting bins or gene features (Anders, Reyes, and Huber 2012), the initial analysis can return multiple p-values associated with gene features belonging to that gene. We then used the makeGeneTable
function to represent each gene by the minimum p-value among all gene features mapped to it. We saved this output in the "AllGeneTable.rds"
file, which can be loaded using the following code.
dir <- system.file("extdata", package="PathwaySplice")
all.gene.table <- readRDS(file.path(dir, "AllGeneTable.rds"))
We next compared splicing pathway analysis results before and after adjusting for the number of exon counting bins associated with each gene. This can be accomplished using the compareResults
res.adj <- runPathwaySplice(genewise.table = all.gene.table,
genome = "hg19",
id = "ensGene",
test.cats = "GO:BP",
go.size.limit = c(5, 30),
method = "Wallenius")
res.unadj <- runPathwaySplice(genewise.table = all.gene.table,
genome = "hg19",
id = "ensGene",
test.cats = "GO:BP",
go.size.limit = c(5, 30),
method = "Hypergeometric")
compareResults(n.go = 20,
adjusted = res.adj,
unadjusted = res.unadj,
gene.based.table = all.gene.table,
output.dir = tempdir(),
type.boxplot = "Only3")
This function produces several files in the output directory specified by output.dir
, including:
gene sets using adjusted and unadjusted analysis.n.go
significant pathways identified by both adjusted and unadjusted analysis (All
), andUnadjusted
file with gene set names corresponding to different sections of the Venn diagram.Unadjusted_20
boxplot shows the distribution of bias factors (i.e. numer of exon counting bins or gene features) for genes belonging to the 8 most significant GO categories identified only in unadjusted analysis (top row, corresponding to the blue color in the Venn diagram). The Adjusted_20
boxplot shows the distribution of bias factors for genes belonging to the 8 most significant GO categories identified only in adjusted analysis (middle row, corresponding to the pink/orange color in the Venn diagram). The All
boxplot shows distribution of bias factors for genes belonging to all 20 most significant GO categories. This plot shows that genes in GO categories which are unique to unadjusted analysis tend to have larger numbers of exon counting bins.
In the runPathwaySplice
function, the choices for the method
argument are:
– do not adjust for bias."Wallenius"
– adjust bias based on the Wallenius non-central hypergeometric distribution (Wallenius 1963)."Sampling"
– use random sampling to approximate the true distribution.The "Sampling"
option takes gene.based.table.fdr
as input to the genewise.table
argument and then calculates weights for each gene using a spline regression model, which is the probability a gene being significant given the number of gene features (e.g. exons) associated with it. Next, random subsets of genes are sampled from the experiment. Each subset contains the same number of genes as the observed number of significant genes. For genes in each subset, the probability of selecting a gene is equal to the weights calculated above, and the number of genes belonging to a GO category is then calculated. Many random subsets of genes are generated to produce the null distribution necessary to estimate the p-value of a GO category (the number of random subsets is controlled by the repcnt
argument to the runPathwaySplice
function, and it defaults to 2000).
The figure below plots pathway analysis p-values for the MDS dataset obtained using the Hypergeometric test, Wallenius approximation, and repcnt = 30000
random samples. These values are plotted against p-values obtained using repcnt = 200000
random samples. This plot was constructed via the compareResults2
function, which takes in output data frames from the runPathwaySplice
function after providing different values to methods
In the figure above, each dot represents a GO category. The results show that GO category p-values for
repcnt = 30000
random samples and repcnt = 200000
random samples are virtually indistinguishable (blue pluses and red triangles are almost exactly the same). Also, p-values based on the Wallenius approximation (green crosses) are highly correlated with the results from the 200,000 random samples. On the other hand, unadjusted results using the Hypergeometric distribution (solid black dots) are markedly different from both random sampling and Wallenius p-values. In terms of computational cost, generating and analyzing 200,000 random samples took more than one hour, while p-values from the Wallenius approximation took less than one minute to compute. Therefore, we recommend using the Wallenius approximation (which we made the default for runPathwaySplice
function), unless the number of gene sets tested is small (e.g less than 100).
Performing pathway analysis without adjusting for the number of gene features can be biased toward pathways that include genes with a large number of gene features. Without adjustment, genes with more features are more likely to be selected as “significant genes” in pathway analysis. The PathwaySplice
package is a potential solution to combat this major challenge in RNA-seq data analysis. To this end, this package assists end users in the following: perform pathway analysis while adjusting for the number features associated with each gene and allowing for a variety of potential types of gene sets; visualize and formally test for potential selection bias; identify specific genes which may drive pathway significance; and organize significant pathways within an enrichment map.
Anders, Simon, Alejandro Reyes, and Wolfgang Huber. 2012. “Detecting differential usage of exons from RNA-seq data.” Genome Research 22 (10):2008–17.
Dolatshad, H, A Pellagatti, M Fernandez-Mercado, B H Yip, L Malcovati, M Attwood, B Przychodzen, et al. 2015. “Disruption of SF3B1 results in deregulated expression and splicing of key genes and pathways in myelodysplastic syndrome hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.” Leukemia 29 (5). Nature Publishing Group:1092–1103.
Geistlinger, Ludwig, Gergely Csaba, and Ralf Zimmer. 2016. “Bioconductor’s Enrichmentbrowser: Seamless Navigation Through Combined Results of Set- & Network-Based Enrichment Analysis.” BMC Bioinformatics 17:45.
Hartley, Stephen W., and James C. Mullikin. 2016. “Detection and visualization of differential splicing in RNA-Seq data with JunctionSeq.” Nucleic Acids Research, June. Oxford University Press, gkw501.
Shannon, P., Andrew Markiel, Owen Ozier, Nitin S Baliga, Jonathan T Wang, Daniel Ramage, Nada Amin, Benno Schwikowski, and Trey Ideker. 2003. “Cytoscape: A Software Environment for Integrated Models of Biomolecular Interaction Networks.” Genome Research 13 (11):2498–2504.
Wallenius, Kenneth T. 1963. “Biased Sampling: The Noncentral Hypergeometric Probability Distribution.” Technical Report 70. Stanford, California: Department of Statistics, Stanford University.
Young, Matthew D, Matthew J Wakefield, Gordon K Smyth, and Alicia Oshlack. 2010. “Gene ontology analysis for RNA-seq: accounting for selection bias.” Genome Biology 11 (2). BioMed Central:R14.