MAST 1.8.2
As a SingleCellExperiment-derived package, MAST
can easily be
inserted into workflows with packages such as
, scater
, zinbwave
, SCnorm
and others. The main gotcha is packages
that assume integer counts vs log-transformed, or log-transformed,
approximately scale-normalized data. We find that MAST performs best
with log-transformed, scale-normalized data that has been thresholded,
such as log2(transcripts per million+1).
We address this by:
containing such
putatively log-like dataIn objects that were constructed in other packages, we …
In what follows, we show an example of using scater
to plot some QC
metrics, SCnorm
to normalize data, and, and conversion
to a Seurat
Scater (citation) is a package that …
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE,error = FALSE,warning = FALSE)
data(maits, package='MAST')
unlog <- function(x) ceiling(2^x - 1)
sca_raw = FromMatrix(t(maits$expressionmat), maits$cdat, maits$fdat)
## Assuming data assay in position 1, with name et is log-transformed.
assays(sca_raw)$counts = unlog(assay(sca_raw))
Here we make an object with assays counts
and et
. By default,
will operate on the et
assay, but scran wants count-like data
for some of its QC. The et
data are log2 + 1 transcripts per
million (TPM), as output by RSEM.
We could specify the assay name at creation with sca_raw = FromMatrix(list(logTPM = t(maits$expressionmat)), maits$cdat, maits$fdat)
or rename an object that contains appropriately transformed data with
assayNames(sca_raw) = c('logTPM', 'counts')
Before calling scater
functionality, you might pause to
consider if some features should belong in special control
such as mitochrondial genes, or spike-ins.
sca_raw = calculateQCMetrics(sca_raw)
plotRowData(sca_raw, x = 'log10_mean_counts', 'pct_dropout_by_counts')
plotColData(sca_raw, y="total_features_by_counts", x="total_counts")
Evidently some features were filtered, so not all cells contain 1
million counts. We can tell these were rare features based on the
inverse relationship between total_counts
: the most complex libraries (with the
greatest numer of features) are missing the most counts.
sca_raw <- runPCA(sca_raw, ncomponents=5, exprs_values = 'et')
plotReducedDim(sca_raw, use_dimred = 'PCA', colour_by = 'condition')
We can also run a PCA.