is a computational framework that implements a suite of methods and tools for CITE-seq data from pre-processing through to integrative analytics. This includes doublet detection, network-based modality integration, cell type clustering, differential RNA and protein expression analysis, ADT evaluation, ligand-receptor interaction analysis, and interactive web-based visualisation of the analyses. This vignette demonstrates the usage of CiteFuse
on a subset data of CITE-seq data from human PBMCs as an example (Mimitou et al., 2019).
First, install CiteFuse
using BiocManager
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
data("CITEseq_example", package = "CiteFuse")
#> [1] "RNA" "ADT" "HTO"
lapply(CITEseq_example, dim)
#> $RNA
#> [1] 19521 500
#> $ADT
#> [1] 49 500
#> $HTO
#> [1] 4 500
Here, we start from a list of three matrices of unique molecular identifier (UMI), antibody derived tags (ADT) and hashtag oligonucleotide (HTO) count, which have common cell names. There are 500 cells in our subsetted dataset. And characteristically of CITE-seq data, the matrices are matched, meaning that for any given cell we know the expression level of their RNA transcripts (genome-wide) and its corresponding cell surface protein expression. The preprocessing
function will utilise the three matrices and its common cell names to create a SingleCellExperiment
object, which stores RNA data in an assay
and ADT
and HTO
data within in the altExp
sce_citeseq <- preprocessing(CITEseq_example)
#> class: SingleCellExperiment
#> dim: 19521 500
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(19521): hg19_AL627309.1 hg19_AL669831.5 ... hg19_MT-ND6
#> hg19_MT-CYB
#> rowData names(0):
#> colData names(0):
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> altExpNames(2): ADT HTO
The function normaliseExprs
is used to scale the alternative expression. Here, we used it to perform log-transformation of the HTO
count, by setting transform = "log"
sce_citeseq <- normaliseExprs(sce = sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "HTO",
transform = "log")
Then we can perform dimension reduction on the HTO
count by using runTSNE
or runUMAP
, then use visualiseDim
function to visualise the reduced dimension plot. Our CITE-seq dataset contain data from four samples that were pooled before sequencing. The samples were multiplexed through cell hashing (Stoekius et al., 2018). The four clusters observed on reduced dimension plots equate to the four different samples.
sce_citeseq <- scater::runTSNE(sce_citeseq,
altexp = "HTO",
name = "TSNE_HTO",
pca = TRUE)
dimNames = "TSNE_HTO") + labs(title = "tSNE (HTO)")
sce_citeseq <- scater::runUMAP(sce_citeseq,
altexp = "HTO",
name = "UMAP_HTO")
dimNames = "UMAP_HTO") + labs(title = "UMAP (HTO)")
An important step in single cell data analysis is the removal of doublets. Doublets form as a result of co-encapsulation of cells within a droplet, leading to a hybrid transcriptome from two or more cells. In CiteFuse, we implement a step-wise doublet detection approach to remove doublets. We first identify the cross-sample doublets via the crossSampleDoublets
sce_citeseq <- crossSampleDoublets(sce_citeseq)
#> number of iterations= 20
#> number of iterations= 24
#> number of iterations= 46
#> number of iterations= 50
The results of the cross sample doublets are then saved in colData
as doubletClassify_between_label
and doubletClassify_between_class
#> 1 2 3 4
#> 115 121 92 129
#> doublet/multiplet
#> 43
#> Singlet doublet/multiplet
#> 457 43
We can then highlight the cross-sample doublets in our tSNE plot of HTO count.
dimNames = "TSNE_HTO",
colour_by = "doubletClassify_between_label")
Furthermore, plotHTO
function allows us to plot the pairwise scatter HTO count. Any cells that show co-expression of orthologocal HTOs (red) are considered as doublets.
plotHTO(sce_citeseq, 1:4)
We then identify the within-sample doublets via the withinSampleDoublets
sce_citeseq <- withinSampleDoublets(sce_citeseq,
minPts = 10)
The results of the cross sample doublets are then saved in the colData
as doubletClassify_within_label
and doubletClassify_within_class
#> Doublets(Within)_1 Doublets(Within)_2 Doublets(Within)_3 Doublets(Within)_4
#> 3 7 4 6
#> NotDoublets(Within)
#> 480
#> Doublet Singlet
#> 20 480
Again, we can visualise the within-sample doublets in our tSNE plot.
dimNames = "TSNE_HTO",
colour_by = "doubletClassify_within_label")
Finally, we can filter out the doublet cells (both within and between batches) for the downstream analysis.
sce_citeseq <- sce_citeseq[, sce_citeseq$doubletClassify_within_class == "Singlet" & sce_citeseq$doubletClassify_between_class == "Singlet"]
#> class: SingleCellExperiment
#> dim: 19521 437
#> metadata(3): doubletClassify_between_threshold
#> doubletClassify_between_resultsMat doubletClassify_within_resultsMat
#> assays(1): counts
#> rownames(19521): hg19_AL627309.1 hg19_AL669831.5 ... hg19_MT-ND6
#> hg19_MT-CYB
#> rowData names(0):
#> colData names(5): doubletClassify_between_label
#> doubletClassify_between_class nUMI doubletClassify_within_label
#> doubletClassify_within_class
#> reducedDimNames(2): TSNE_HTO UMAP_HTO
#> altExpNames(2): ADT HTO
The first step of analysis is to integrate the RNA and ADT matrix. We use a popular integration algorithm called similarity network fusion (SNF) to integrate the multiomic data.
sce_citeseq <- scater::logNormCounts(sce_citeseq)
sce_citeseq <- normaliseExprs(sce_citeseq, altExp_name = "ADT", transform = "log")
system.time(sce_citeseq <- CiteFuse(sce_citeseq))
#> Calculating affinity matrix
#> Performing SNF
#> user system elapsed
#> 6.924 0.092 7.040
We now proceed with the fused matrix, which is stored as SNF_W
in our sce_citeseq
CiteFuse implements two different clustering algorithms on the fused matrix, spectral clustering and Louvain clustering. First, we perform spectral clustering with sufficient numbers of K
and use the eigen values to determine the optimal number of clusters.
SNF_W_clust <- spectralClustering(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["SNF_W"]], K = 20)
#> Computing Spectral Clustering
#> Computing Diffusion Coordinates
#> Used default value: 20 dimensions
#> [1] 5
Using the optimal cluster number defined from the previous step, we can now use the spectralClutering
function to cluster the single cells by specifying the number of clusters in K
. The function takes a cell-to-cell similarity matrix as an input. We have already created the fused similarity matrix from CiteFuse
. Since the CiteFuse
function creates and stores the similarity matries from ADT and RNA expression, as well the fused matrix, we can use these two to compare the clustering outcomes by data modality.
SNF_W_clust <- spectralClustering(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["SNF_W"]], K = 5)
#> Computing Spectral Clustering
#> Computing Diffusion Coordinates
#> Used default value: 5 dimensions
sce_citeseq$SNF_W_clust <- as.factor(SNF_W_clust$labels)
SNF_W1_clust <- spectralClustering(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["ADT_W"]], K = 5)
#> Computing Spectral Clustering
#> Computing Diffusion Coordinates
#> Used default value: 5 dimensions
sce_citeseq$ADT_clust <- as.factor(SNF_W1_clust$labels)
SNF_W2_clust <- spectralClustering(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["RNA_W"]], K = 5)
#> Computing Spectral Clustering
#> Computing Diffusion Coordinates
#> Used default value: 5 dimensions
sce_citeseq$RNA_clust <- as.factor(SNF_W2_clust$labels)
The outcome of the clustering can be easily visualised on a reduced dimensions plot by highlighting the points by cluster label.
sce_citeseq <- reducedDimSNF(sce_citeseq,
method = "tSNE",
dimNames = "tSNE_joint")
g1 <- visualiseDim(sce_citeseq, dimNames = "tSNE_joint", colour_by = "SNF_W_clust") +
labs(title = "tSNE (SNF clustering)")
g2 <- visualiseDim(sce_citeseq, dimNames = "tSNE_joint", colour_by = "ADT_clust") +
labs(title = "tSNE (ADT clustering)")
g3 <- visualiseDim(sce_citeseq, dimNames = "tSNE_joint", colour_by = "RNA_clust") +
labs(title = "tSNE (RNA clustering)")
grid.arrange(g3, g2, g1, ncol = 2)
The expression of genes and proteins can be visualised by changing the colour_by
parameter to assess the clusters. As an example, we highlight the plot by the RNA and ADT expression level of CD8.
g1 <- visualiseDim(sce_citeseq, dimNames = "tSNE_joint",
colour_by = "hg19_CD8A",
data_from = "assay",
assay_name = "logcounts") +
labs(title = "tSNE: hg19_CD8A (RNA expression)")
g2 <- visualiseDim(sce_citeseq,dimNames = "tSNE_joint",
colour_by = "CD8",
data_from = "altExp",
altExp_assay_name = "logcounts") +
labs(title = "tSNE: CD8 (ADT expression)")
grid.arrange(g1, g2, ncol = 2)
As well as spectral clustering, CiteFuse can implement Louvain clustering if users wish to use another clustering method. We use the igraph
package, and any community detection algorithms available in their package can be selected by changing the method
SNF_W_louvain <- igraphClustering(sce_citeseq, method = "louvain")
#> SNF_W_louvain
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
#> 30 38 80 29 90 37 52 29 52
sce_citeseq$SNF_W_louvain <- as.factor(SNF_W_louvain)
visualiseDim(sce_citeseq, dimNames = "tSNE_joint", colour_by = "SNF_W_louvain") +
labs(title = "tSNE (SNF louvain clustering)")
visualiseKNN(sce_citeseq, colour_by = "SNF_W_louvain")
CiteFuse has a wide range of visualisation tools to facilitate exploratory analysis of CITE-seq data. The visualiseExprs
function is an easy-to-use function to generate boxplots, violinplots, jitter plots, density plots, and pairwise scatter/density plots of genes and proteins expressed in the data. The plots can be grouped by using the cluster labels stored in the sce_citeseq
plot = "boxplot",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
feature_subset = c("hg19_CD2", "hg19_CD4", "hg19_CD8A", "hg19_CD19"))
plot = "violin",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
feature_subset = c("hg19_CD2", "hg19_CD4", "hg19_CD8A", "hg19_CD19"))
plot = "jitter",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
feature_subset = c("hg19_CD2", "hg19_CD4", "hg19_CD8A", "hg19_CD19"))
plot = "density",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
feature_subset = c("hg19_CD2", "hg19_CD4", "hg19_CD8A", "hg19_CD19"))
altExp_name = "ADT",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
plot = "violin", n = 5)
visualiseExprs(sce_citeseq, altExp_name = "ADT",
plot = "jitter",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
feature_subset = c("CD2", "CD8", "CD4", "CD19"))
visualiseExprs(sce_citeseq, altExp_name = "ADT",
plot = "density",
group_by = "SNF_W_louvain",
feature_subset = c("CD2", "CD8", "CD4", "CD19"))
visualiseExprs(sce_citeseq, altExp_name = "ADT",
plot = "pairwise",
feature_subset = c("CD4", "CD8"))
#> number of iterations= 14
#> number of iterations= 23
visualiseExprs(sce_citeseq, altExp_name = "ADT",
plot = "pairwise",
feature_subset = c("CD45RA", "CD4", "CD8"),
threshold = rep(4, 3))
CiteFuse also calculates differentially expressed (DE) genes through the DEgenes
function. The cluster grouping to use must be specified in the group
parameter. If altExp_name
is not specified, RNA expression will be used as the default expression matrix.
Results form the DE analysis is stored in sce_citeseq
as DE_res_RNA_filter
and DE_res_ADT_filter
for RNA and ADT expression, respectively.
# DE will be performed for RNA if altExp_name = "none"
sce_citeseq <- DEgenes(sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "none",
group = sce_citeseq$SNF_W_louvain,
return_all = TRUE,
exprs_pct = 0.5)
sce_citeseq <- selectDEgenes(sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "none")
datatable(format(, metadata(sce_citeseq)[["DE_res_RNA_filter"]]),
digits = 2))
sce_citeseq <- DEgenes(sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "ADT",
group = sce_citeseq$SNF_W_louvain,
return_all = TRUE,
exprs_pct = 0.5)
sce_citeseq <- selectDEgenes(sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "ADT")
datatable(format(, metadata(sce_citeseq)[["DE_res_ADT_filter"]]),
digits = 2))
The DE genes can be visualised with the DEbubblePlot
and DEcomparisonPlot
. In each case, the gene names must first be extracted from the DE result objects.
The circlepackPlot
takes a list of all DE genes from RNA and ADT DE analysis and will plot only the top most significant DE genes to plot.
rna_DEgenes <- metadata(sce_citeseq)[["DE_res_RNA_filter"]]
adt_DEgenes <- metadata(sce_citeseq)[["DE_res_ADT_filter"]]
rna_DEgenes <- lapply(rna_DEgenes, function(x){
x$name <- gsub("hg19_", "", x$name)
DEbubblePlot(list(RNA = rna_DEgenes, ADT = adt_DEgenes))
For the DEcomparisonPlot
, as well as a list containing the DE genes for RNA and ADT, a feature_list
specifying the genes and proteins of interest is required.
rna_list <- c("hg19_CD4",
adt_list <- c("CD4", "CD8", "MHCII (HLA-DR)", "CD11c", "CD56", "CD27", "CD19")
rna_DEgenes_all <- metadata(sce_citeseq)[["DE_res_RNA"]]
adt_DEgenes_all <- metadata(sce_citeseq)[["DE_res_ADT"]]
feature_list <- list(RNA = rna_list, ADT = adt_list)
de_list <- list(RNA = rna_DEgenes_all, ADT = adt_DEgenes_all)
DEcomparisonPlot(de_list = de_list,
feature_list = feature_list)
An important evaluation in CITE-seq data analysis is to assess the quality of each ADT and to evaluate the contribution of ADTs towards clustering outcome. CiteFuse calculates the relative importance of ADT towards clustering outcome by using a random forest model. The higher the score of an ADT, the greater its importance towards the final clustering outcome.
sce_citeseq <- importanceADT(sce_citeseq,
group = sce_citeseq$SNF_W_louvain,
subsample = TRUE)
visImportance(sce_citeseq, plot = "boxplot")
visImportance(sce_citeseq, plot = "heatmap")
sort(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["importanceADT"]], decreasing = TRUE)[1:20]
#> CD4 CD8 CD27 CD5
#> 30.558333 29.224077 27.691326 22.097058
#> CD7 PECAM (CD31) CD11b CD2
#> 16.041289 13.495346 12.716874 12.241439
#> MHCII (HLA-DR) CD28 CD44 IL7Ralpha (CD127)
#> 10.332952 10.189411 9.006814 8.808518
#> HLA-A,B,C CD62L CD11c CD45RA
#> 6.961884 5.921209 5.678501 5.612525
#> CD366 (tim3) CD3 CD56 PD-1 (CD279)
#> 5.294986 5.263878 4.732472 4.427862
The importance scores can be visualised in a boxplot and heatmap. Our evaluation of ADT importance show that unsurprisingly CD4 and CD8 are the top two discriminating proteins in PBMCs.
Let us try clustering with only ADTs with a score greater than 5.
subset_adt <- names(which(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["importanceADT"]] > 5))
#> [1] "CD11b" "CD11c" "CD2"
#> [4] "CD27" "CD28" "CD3"
#> [7] "CD366 (tim3)" "CD4" "CD44"
#> [10] "CD45RA" "CD5" "CD62L"
#> [13] "CD7" "CD8" "HLA-A,B,C"
#> [16] "IL7Ralpha (CD127)" "MHCII (HLA-DR)" "PECAM (CD31)"
system.time(sce_citeseq <- CiteFuse(sce_citeseq,
ADT_subset = subset_adt,
metadata_names = c("W_SNF_adtSubset1",
#> Calculating affinity matrix
#> Performing SNF
#> user system elapsed
#> 5.556 0.012 5.570
SNF_W_clust_adtSubset1 <- spectralClustering(metadata(sce_citeseq)[["W_SNF_adtSubset1"]], K = 5)
#> Computing Spectral Clustering
#> Computing Diffusion Coordinates
#> Used default value: 5 dimensions
sce_citeseq$SNF_W_clust_adtSubset1 <- as.factor(SNF_W_clust_adtSubset1$labels)
adjustedRandIndex(sce_citeseq$SNF_W_clust_adtSubset1, sce_citeseq$SNF_W_clust)
#> [1] 0.9305236
When we compare between the two clustering outcomes, we find that the adjusted rand index is approximately 0.93, where a value of 1 denotes complete concordance.
The geneADTnetwork
function plots an interaction network between genes identified from the DE analysis. The nodes denote proteins and RNA whilst the edges denote positive and negative correlation in expression.
RNA_feature_subset <- unique(as.character(unlist(lapply(rna_DEgenes_all, "[[", "name"))))
ADT_feature_subset <- unique(as.character(unlist(lapply(adt_DEgenes_all, "[[", "name"))))
RNA_feature_subset = RNA_feature_subset,
ADT_feature_subset = ADT_feature_subset,
cor_method = "pearson",
network_layout = igraph::layout_with_fr)
#> IGRAPH 6187298 UN-B 72 134 --
#> + attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), class (v/c), type (v/l), shape (v/c),
#> | color (v/c), size (v/n), label.cex (v/n), label.color (v/c), value
#> | (e/n), color (e/c), weights (e/n)
#> + edges from 6187298 (vertex names):
#> [1] RNA_hg19_IL7R --ADT_CD28
#> [2] RNA_hg19_LTB --ADT_CD28
#> [3] RNA_hg19_NKG7 --ADT_CD28
#> [4] RNA_hg19_CST7 --ADT_CD28
#> [5] RNA_hg19_GNLY --ADT_CD28
#> [6] RNA_hg19_CCL5 --ADT_CD28
#> + ... omitted several edges
With the advent of CITE-seq, we can now predict ligand-receptor interactions by using cell surface protein expression. CiteFuse implements a ligandReceptorTest
to find ligand receptor interactions between sender and receiver cells. Importantly, the ADT count is used to predict receptor expression within receiver cells. Note that the setting altExp_name = "RNA"
would enable users to predict ligand-receptor interaction from RNA expression only.
data("lr_pair_subset", package = "CiteFuse")
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] "hg19_IL17RA" "CD45"
#> [2,] "hg19_FAS" "CD11b"
#> [3,] "hg19_GZMK" "CD62L"
#> [4,] "hg19_CD40LG" "CD11b"
#> [5,] "hg19_FLT3LG" "CD62L"
#> [6,] "hg19_GZMA" "CD19"
sce_citeseq <- normaliseExprs(sce = sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "ADT",
transform = "zi_minMax")
sce_citeseq <- normaliseExprs(sce = sce_citeseq,
altExp_name = "none",
exprs_value = "logcounts",
transform = "minMax")
sce_citeseq <- ligandReceptorTest(sce = sce_citeseq,
ligandReceptor_list = lr_pair_subset,
cluster = sce_citeseq$SNF_W_louvain,
RNA_exprs_value = "minMax",
use_alt_exp = TRUE,
altExp_name = "ADT",
altExp_exprs_value = "zi_minMax",
num_permute = 1000)
#> 100 ......200 ......300 ......400 ......500 ......600 ......700 ......800 ......900 ......1000 ......
type = "pval_heatmap",
receptor_type = "ADT")
type = "pval_dotplot",
receptor_type = "ADT")
type = "group_network",
receptor_type = "ADT")
type = "group_heatmap",
receptor_type = "ADT")
type = "lr_network",
receptor_type = "ADT")
Lastly, we will jointly analyse the current PBMC CITE-seq data, taken from healthy human donors, and another subset of CITE-seq data from patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), again from Mimitou et al. (2019). The data sce_ctcl_subset
provided in our CiteFuse
package already contains the clustering information.
data("sce_ctcl_subset", package = "CiteFuse")
To visualise and compare gene or protein expression data, we can use visualiseExprsList
visualiseExprsList(sce_list = list(control = sce_citeseq,
ctcl = sce_ctcl_subset),
plot = "boxplot",
altExp_name = "none",
exprs_value = "logcounts",
feature_subset = c("hg19_S100A10", "hg19_CD8A"),
group_by = c("SNF_W_louvain", "SNF_W_louvain"))
visualiseExprsList(sce_list = list(control = sce_citeseq,
ctcl = sce_ctcl_subset),
plot = "boxplot",
altExp_name = "ADT",
feature_subset = c("CD19", "CD8"),
group_by = c("SNF_W_louvain", "SNF_W_louvain"))
We can then perform differential expression analysis of the RNA expression level across the two clusters that have high CD19 expression in ADT.
de_res <- DEgenesCross(sce_list = list(control = sce_citeseq,
ctcl = sce_ctcl_subset),
colData_name = c("SNF_W_louvain", "SNF_W_louvain"),
group_to_test = c("2", "6"))
de_res_filter <- selectDEgenes(de_res = de_res)
#> $control
#> stats.W pval p.adjust meanExprs.1 meanExprs.2 meanPct.1
#> hg19_NKG7 82.0 9.717299e-13 9.717299e-13 0.51066894 3.2333024 0.30232558
#> hg19_CST7 138.0 5.875063e-12 5.875063e-12 0.22512314 2.2146495 0.13953488
#> hg19_GNLY 186.0 8.935760e-12 8.935760e-12 0.07220401 2.7782587 0.02325581
#> hg19_CCL5 124.0 2.418174e-11 2.418174e-11 1.04348029 3.7809281 0.37209302
#> hg19_GZMH 258.0 1.807873e-10 1.807873e-10 0.00000000 1.4711399 0.00000000
#> hg19_ITGB2 210.0 4.203966e-09 4.203966e-09 0.44185664 1.7346818 0.44186047
#> hg19_KLRD1 322.5 5.000482e-08 5.000482e-08 0.09327555 1.0358615 0.09302326
#> hg19_GZMA 284.5 5.732252e-08 5.732252e-08 0.32515702 1.5433119 0.18604651
#> hg19_ZEB2 387.0 7.878997e-08 7.878997e-08 0.00000000 0.8211807 0.00000000
#> hg19_CD99 274.0 1.679625e-07 1.679625e-07 0.58551572 1.5699157 0.46511628
#> meanPct.2 meanDiff pctDiff name group
#> hg19_NKG7 1.0000000 0.6976744 0.6976744 hg19_NKG7 control
#> hg19_CST7 0.8947368 0.7552020 0.7552020 hg19_CST7 control
#> hg19_GNLY 0.7894737 0.7662179 0.7662179 hg19_GNLY control
#> hg19_CCL5 1.0000000 0.6279070 0.6279070 hg19_CCL5 control
#> hg19_GZMH 0.6842105 0.6842105 0.6842105 hg19_GZMH control
#> hg19_ITGB2 0.8684211 0.4265606 0.4265606 hg19_ITGB2 control
#> hg19_KLRD1 0.6578947 0.5648715 0.5648715 hg19_KLRD1 control
#> hg19_GZMA 0.8157895 0.6297430 0.6297430 hg19_GZMA control
#> hg19_ZEB2 0.5263158 0.5263158 0.5263158 hg19_ZEB2 control
#> hg19_CD99 0.8947368 0.4296206 0.4296206 hg19_CD99 control
#> $ctcl
#> stats.W pval p.adjust meanExprs.1 meanExprs.2
#> hg19_RPS26 0.0 1.087530e-14 1.087530e-14 1.42819970 5.072471
#> hg19_LTB 235.0 1.478865e-08 1.478865e-08 0.48566164 1.978730
#> hg19_SELL 298.5 3.618421e-08 3.618421e-08 0.10674144 1.152572
#> hg19_LEPROTL1 268.0 9.163954e-08 9.163954e-08 0.37427389 1.300745
#> hg19_NOSIP 306.0 2.589055e-07 2.589055e-07 0.23412389 1.157235
#> hg19_LINC02446 352.0 3.887845e-07 3.887845e-07 0.09889831 1.004083
#> hg19_FOS 353.5 5.438707e-07 5.438707e-07 0.14088922 1.125337
#> hg19_TMEM123 331.0 1.090629e-06 1.090629e-06 0.26112624 1.012034
#> hg19_LDHB 325.0 2.344648e-06 2.344648e-06 0.70148411 1.588459
#> hg19_NPM1 323.0 2.836125e-06 2.836125e-06 1.24903807 2.202268
#> meanPct.1 meanPct.2 meanDiff pctDiff name group
#> hg19_RPS26 0.84210526 1.0000000 0.1578947 0.1578947 hg19_RPS26 ctcl
#> hg19_LTB 0.28947368 0.9069767 0.6175031 0.6175031 hg19_LTB ctcl
#> hg19_SELL 0.07894737 0.6976744 0.6187271 0.6187271 hg19_SELL ctcl
#> hg19_LEPROTL1 0.28947368 0.9069767 0.6175031 0.6175031 hg19_LEPROTL1 ctcl
#> hg19_NOSIP 0.21052632 0.7674419 0.5569155 0.5569155 hg19_NOSIP ctcl
#> hg19_LINC02446 0.07894737 0.6279070 0.5489596 0.5489596 hg19_LINC02446 ctcl
#> hg19_FOS 0.07894737 0.6511628 0.5722154 0.5722154 hg19_FOS ctcl
#> hg19_TMEM123 0.23684211 0.7674419 0.5305998 0.5305998 hg19_TMEM123 ctcl
#> hg19_LDHB 0.50000000 0.8604651 0.3604651 0.3604651 hg19_LDHB ctcl
#> hg19_NPM1 0.68421053 0.9534884 0.2692778 0.2692778 hg19_NPM1 ctcl
Readers unfamiliar with the workflow of converting a count matrix into a SingleCellExperiment
object may use the readFrom10X
function to convert count matrix from a 10X experiment into an object that can be used for all functions in CiteFuse.
tmpdir <- tempdir()
download.file("", file.path(tmpdir, "/5k_pbmc_NGSC3_ch1_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.tar.gz"))
untar(file.path(tmpdir, "5k_pbmc_NGSC3_ch1_filtered_feature_bc_matrix.tar.gz"),
exdir = tmpdir)
sce_citeseq_10X <- readFrom10X(file.path(tmpdir, "filtered_feature_bc_matrix/"))
#> R version 4.0.0 (2020-04-24)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
#> Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.11-bioc/R/lib/
#> LAPACK: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.11-bioc/R/lib/
#> locale:
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] parallel stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
#> [8] methods base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] mclust_5.4.6 gridExtra_2.3
#> [3] DT_0.13 scater_1.16.0
#> [5] ggplot2_3.3.0 SingleCellExperiment_1.10.0
#> [7] SummarizedExperiment_1.18.0 DelayedArray_0.14.0
#> [9] matrixStats_0.56.0 Biobase_2.48.0
#> [11] GenomicRanges_1.40.0 GenomeInfoDb_1.24.0
#> [13] IRanges_2.22.0 S4Vectors_0.26.0
#> [15] BiocGenerics_0.34.0 CiteFuse_1.0.0
#> [17] BiocStyle_2.16.0
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] Rtsne_0.15 ggbeeswarm_0.6.0
#> [3] colorspace_1.4-1 ellipsis_0.3.0
#> [5] ggridges_0.5.2 XVector_0.28.0
#> [7] BiocNeighbors_1.6.0 farver_2.0.3
#> [9] graphlayouts_0.7.0 ggrepel_0.8.2
#> [11] RSpectra_0.16-0 splines_4.0.0
#> [13] knitr_1.28 heatmap.plus_1.3
#> [15] polyclip_1.10-0 jsonlite_1.6.1
#> [17] alluvial_0.1-2 kernlab_0.9-29
#> [19] pheatmap_1.0.12 uwot_0.1.8
#> [21] ggforce_0.3.1 ExPosition_2.8.23
#> [23] BiocManager_1.30.10 compiler_4.0.0
#> [25] dqrng_0.2.1 prettyGraphs_2.1.6
#> [27] assertthat_0.2.1 Matrix_1.2-18
#> [29] limma_3.44.0 tweenr_1.0.1
#> [31] BiocSingular_1.4.0 htmltools_0.4.0
#> [33] tools_4.0.0 rsvd_1.0.3
#> [35] igraph_1.2.5 gtable_0.3.0
#> [37] glue_1.4.0 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.3
#> [39] reshape2_1.4.4 dplyr_0.8.5
#> [41] Rcpp_1.0.4.6 vctrs_0.2.4
#> [43] crosstalk_1.1.0.1 DelayedMatrixStats_1.10.0
#> [45] ggraph_2.0.2 xfun_0.13
#> [47] stringr_1.4.0 lifecycle_0.2.0
#> [49] irlba_2.3.3 statmod_1.4.34
#> [51] edgeR_3.30.0 zlibbioc_1.34.0
#> [53] MASS_7.3-51.6 scales_1.1.0
#> [55] tidygraph_1.1.2 rhdf5_2.32.0
#> [57] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 SNFtool_2.3.0
#> [59] yaml_2.2.1 segmented_1.1-0
#> [61] stringi_1.4.6 randomForest_4.6-14
#> [63] scran_1.16.0 BiocParallel_1.22.0
#> [65] rlang_0.4.5 pkgconfig_2.0.3
#> [67] bitops_1.0-6 evaluate_0.14
#> [69] lattice_0.20-41 purrr_0.3.4
#> [71] Rhdf5lib_1.10.0 htmlwidgets_1.5.1
#> [73] labeling_0.3 cowplot_1.0.0
#> [75] tidyselect_1.0.0 plyr_1.8.6
#> [77] magrittr_1.5 bookdown_0.18
#> [79] R6_2.4.1 magick_2.3
#> [81] pillar_1.4.3 withr_2.2.0
#> [83] mixtools_1.2.0 survival_3.1-12
#> [85] RCurl_1.98-1.2 tibble_3.0.1
#> [87] crayon_1.3.4 rmarkdown_2.1
#> [89] viridis_0.5.1 locfit_1.5-9.4
#> [91] grid_4.0.0 propr_4.2.6
#> [93] FNN_1.1.3 digest_0.6.25
#> [95] tidyr_1.0.2 dbscan_1.1-5
#> [97] munsell_0.5.0 beeswarm_0.2.3
#> [99] viridisLite_0.3.0 vipor_0.4.5